
Preventing Customer Injuries: Reducing Slip and Trip Hazards

One of the greatest risks of injury to Customers at your restaurant is slip and trip hazards. And these risks are not just a hazard to your Customers—traditionally, these incidents make up a large percentage of claims against franchise organizations.   A simple internet search of “slip claim restaurant” pulls up dozens of law firms eager [...]

By | February 16th, 2023|Franchise safety, Risk management|0 Comments

Driver Safety Tips

If your restaurant uses a vehicle on behalf of the business for delivery, catering, Additional Distribution Point, errands and more, your business likely faces certain risks that others don’t, as having Team Members drive for your restaurants may increase your liability for accidents and damage.   Driver safety is paramount when it comes to minimizing your [...]

By | February 16th, 2023|Franchise safety, Risk management|0 Comments

Wintertime Risk Management Checklist

Wintertime risk management can be easy to forget about when the ice thaws and the sun comes out, but a quick refresher on the dangers of winter can help your restaurant avoid an unnecessary claim.  Cold temperatures and wintery weather can lead to an increase in certain claims that typically involve these areas of your [...]

By | February 16th, 2023|Franchise safety, Risk management|0 Comments

10 Insurance Terms Explained in Plain English

If it's your first time shopping for insurance for your business, the terminology can be a real stumbling block. Even for old pros, a fresh perspective on a familiar topic can help you better understand what really matters.   Here's a look at 10 common but confusing insurance terms explained in plain English to make your [...]

By | February 14th, 2023|Insurance information, Insurance tips|0 Comments

Building a Risk Management Program

As a Chick-fil-A Operator, you know things don't always go according to plan. Success in the restaurant industry always involves some amount of risk.   Discover how building a successful risk management program for your restaurant helps manage risk, better protects your Team Members and Customers from harm and shields your business from associated costs.   Fundamentals [...]

By | February 14th, 2023|Insurance tips, Risk management|0 Comments

Cyber Security for Your Chick-fil-A Restaurant

Over the last few years, quick serve restaurants have become a favorite target of cyber criminals. Hackers have stolen password credentials, business records and Customer credit card data from some of the biggest names in the industry.   The consequences of a hack are serious. Claims and legal fees routinely cost businesses more than $1 million [...]

By | February 14th, 2023|Franchise safety, Risk management|0 Comments